Wednesday, 14 September 2011

BULK FAXING PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE - PLUS AND EXTRA 5% OFF will now match any genuine quote and we are so confident our prices are the lowest around, we will go even further by giving you and extra 5% off if you find a better price!

This makes us the cheapest Fax Broadcasting Solution in the UK!

Don't delay call us today on 0844 50 234 50 for a free no obligation quote!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Use Fax Broadcasting to clear your stock before it's too late!

Total stock

Your business hay have some inventory whose value is in danger of dropping, a timely fax broadcast campaign can generate those quick sales you might otherwise miss.

If you’re running a hotel or restaurant and you have vacant rooms or tables, just before a holiday weekend, contacting agents or previous patrons with a special offer might generate new bookings.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Every £1 gets your message into 100 businesses!

Pound coin

Its like having a printer in every office in the country.

Fax broadcasting with us delivers 100 of your flyers into businesses of your choice for every £1 you spend.

We think thats the best value marketing you can do! Give fax marketing a try today!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Summer Special Offers - 20,000 FAXES FOR £200

Specials summer

Our Summer Offer is Now On!

Until August 31st

20,000 faxes costs just £200 + VAT!

That's 1p per fax to 20,000 businesses in your local area!


Friday, 5 August 2011

Check the quality of your Fax Broadcast!

Check the quality of your fax broadcast page, it will ultimately reflect on you, your brand and image.

Make sure there are no spelling errors, difficult to understand acronyms or grammatical errors. Write for your target market.

Too much talk of ATP'ing the PJR's will turn off anyone!

The fax broadcast, as with any marketing, is an extension of your brand.

How do you want your brand to come across?

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Building your own customer database for Fax Marketing


Here’s some information to help get you started. It’s simple to collect fax numbers from your existing clients.

Simply contact them and tell them that you are updating your records. Verify their mailing address, telephone number and ask them for their fax number, if you don’t already have it. You may also want to ask them if they would mind receiving an occasional fax from you to inform them of special pricing. Very few will ever refuse an offer like that!

Another excellent idea is to run a competition and collect the names, addresses, phone and fax numbers of the people who stop into your business.

You may just raffle off a product or a dinner for two at a local restaurant, but the goal is to capture as many names and fax numbers as possible.

In fact you can even use this to collect cumstomer data direct from your fax broadcast!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

The Secret to a Successful Fax Broadcast is A.I.D.A


As usual, the simplest things work the best. That's how the famous AIDA method came about, which represents an excellent way to remember how to keep professional when launching a successful fax marketing campaign.


Raise awareness of your product or service to your prospects - explain what it is you do and leave them understanding what it is. Attract their attention and even surprise your target prospects. However, never lose sight of the aim of your fax broadcast.


Creating interest means talking to your prospects about what concerns THEM, rather than simply passing on your own personal visions. This can be the most difficult task of all, because you have to see things from your customers' or prospects' point of view. You may have carried out a market survey prior to organising your fax campaign, which will make planning the project far easier.


Stirring up interest also means stimulating your readers to go where you want them to go. To do this, you need a commitment to sell, which provides a guarantee for the reader that he or she has something to gain from your offer. This is one of the more difficult to achieve, as both professional and public prospects are submerged with information! Make yours stand out!


Desire is fine, but you still need to secure either a sale or the target's reply to your fax marketing advert. To achieve this, you need to provide prospects with an easy way to contact you, make your contact details very prominent and easily findable. Give as many options as possibe, website, phone, email, facebook ...give them no excuse not to contact you!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Use Fax Marketing to Welcome Back Inactive Customers!

Welcome back mat

A certain percentage of the customers on your lists can be classified as inactive.

They may not have purchased in six months or a year, but they haven’t opted out of future offers either.

Often an enticing “welcome back” offer by fax broadcasting will remind these customers they once found you valuable and lead to new orders.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Google +1 Arrives to with a 5% discount!

Google plus 1

Google announced their new +1 sharing button back in March, and it has now officially launched the +1 button for websites, which lets you share your favourite websites with your friends.

We love keeping up with the latest developments here at, so you can now +1 all our search results, web pages and blog posts, so get clicking :)

In order to use the Google +1 button, you will need to be signed in to your Google account, and Google is rolling it out to all its major sites, which include YouTube, Blogger, the Android Market and more.

Give us a +1 on our homepage for a 5% discount on your next fax marketing order!

You cant get much better than a 1 click discount!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Best Value Fax Broadcasting / Fax Marketing is the best value fax marketing to the UK! We have compared our prices with our main competitors and have come out on top every time.

Here's how we stack up against our major competitors. As you can see, is the best priced fax broadcaster for small to medium fax broadcasting campaigns! If you find cheaper fax elsewhere will will match the price and send a further 10% for you!

For 10,000 faxes

£155 + VAT

Central Messaging
£150 + VAT

Meridian Delta
£189 + VAT

Granada marketing
£250 + VAT

Prices all taken from company websites as of 30/6/2011
Best Value Fax Marketing

Just £130 + VAT for 10,000 faxes!

Value for money

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Fax Broadcast Headlines are all important

National newspapers montage

What do newspapers have in common with broadcast fax messages? Both rely on headlines to grab a reader’s interest and summarise the contents of the marketing letter or article so the reader knows what to expect.

For marketers, the headline highlights the offer and starts to build the customer’s interest. Get the headline right on your bulk fax broadcast, and you will easily generate new business from your fax marketing enquiries.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Myth and the Truth about Fax Broadcasting - Revealed.


So you hate fax broadcasting. You can't stand getting unsolicited fax messages. It annoys you - especially that these fax broadcasting companies are using up your fax paper and ink!

I have to admit I'm similar to you. I often get extremely annoyed by other fax broadcasting companies, but only when I receive fax marketing that is NOT RELEVANT to me. That's the key. Faxing is just like direct mail only there is no envelope to open. It can be seen immediately.

Receiving untargeted unsolicited faxes can be frustrating, but when the company doing the fax broadcasting has done some 'homework' and made an offer that's relevant to me or my businesses, then the fax does get some attention. Sometimes I will respond. Sometimes I'll file it and call them 2 months down the line. And of course sometimes I will just bin it.

Not everyone is like me, but a lot of people are. There are those out there that hate fax marketing with a passion, so much they immediately rip the fax up and throw it in the bin. Some even reply with abuse.

The Truth is that whenever you do any type of advertising or promotion, you already know a large percentage of your audience isn't going to be interested.

So what can we learn from all of this?

Firstly, if Fax broadcasting is going to work for your business, you must use a quality fax list and target those people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Second, your fax offer and headline must catch the recipients attention so that they are compelled to read the rest of the fax broadcast.

Whatever your pre-conceptions, fax marketing can be extremely productive for your business, especially if you target it to the right people, and develop an offer they just cant refuse. can help you with making Fax Broadcasting a success for your company.

Visit our fax broadcasting website today and find out how we can be of service

Friday, 10 June 2011

Immediate enquiries and sales with Fax Broadcasting

The fax machine is a very powerful marketing tool for businesses. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can take advantage of faxing to help grow your business, without violating any laws!

The first rule, play smart. Even though you may already feel certain that a particular client does not mind an occasional fax marketing piece from you, always have a way for them to request that their name be removed from your list.

I like to place a line or two of text at the bottom of every fax page I send to let the recipient know just what to do to get themselves off my list if they so choose.

If you employ a fax broadcasting service, they can take care of this for you and also supply you with fresh leads based on whatever type of company you wish to send your advertising to.

This UK and European Fax Broadcasting company has some amazing rates and will ensure your fax broadcast is both targeted towards the right companies, and completely compliant with the marketing laws.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Reach without Frequency = Wasted Money

Frequency 610x250

Marketing and especially fax marketing is the process of building a business relationship with potential customers. Have you ever established a lifelong friendship with someone you had contact with only once? Probably not. Generally friendships (and all relationships for that matter) grow as a result of frequent contact over time. Even when the potential to form a great friendship is there at the first encounter, it is unlikely it will grow without nurturing.

We can uses an analogy of seeds and water to demonstrate the importance of assuring adequate frequency in your promotional fax broadcasting campaigns. If you were given 100 seeds with enough water to water each seed once would you plant all 100 seeds and water each one once or would you be more successful if you planted 25 seeds and used all of the water on those 25 seeds?

While intuitively and even conceptually we understand the high importance of frequency to successful promotional and sales campaigns, somehow when it comes to actually implementing the campaign, we opt to sacrifice frequency for reach. And then we complain about the ineffectiveness of our promotional efforts. Undoubtedly one of the biggest wastes of marketing dollars is promotional activities that are implemented without adequate frequency.

When faced with the decision of mailing one fax broadcast to 10,000 people or mailing to 2,500 people four times think about the fate of those 100 seeds you can water only once. Unless you have water rights and can obtain additional water, opt for less reach and more frequency.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Test your Fax Broadcast Page

Before sending your fax broadcast out to thousands of people, why not get the opinions of a few people who aren't completely familiar with your business.

The goal isn't to find out if they like your faxed promotional flyer, but to test whether or not it delivers the intended message.

Make a list of 3-5 very specific questions to ask your test audience, for example,

"What exactly does this company do?"

"What problem does this product or service solve?"

"What action will I take after reading this offer?"

Continue testing until you get the desired results and you'll improve the chances that your target customers will react positively.

If the response to your message is, "What is this thing?" or "I don't get it" something is seriously wrong with your fax marketing copy.

Your potential clients need to know exactly what it is you can offer them and how it will benefit them in just a few seconds. Get this right and the enquiries will pour in.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Use a Fax marketing service - don't try to do it yourself.

17 dont get phonebook

If your company has tried its own manual fax broadcasting, you must have realised that it is a difficult and very time consuming job for those who are engaged in it. You will no doubt find it difficult to manage with the workload, so we give you the option to outsource it. This way while saving on overheads and manpower, you could get your message across to a bigger audience with a far lower cost per fax sent.

When you look for a fax marketing service to outsource your jobs to, the most important thing you need to look at is the technology they use.

A good service provider has state of the art systems that could do the fax broadcasting quickly, be able to personalise each page, and most importantly of all, has a constantly updated database with the latest most up to date fax numbers available. have all of this and more. We run the very latest technology to ensure your fax broadcast is quick efficient and a success rate of over 96% thanks to our constantly updated databases with the latest business fax numbers.

Unlike other fax broadcasting companies, whose databases are often not updated for years, we have the latest technology combined with the latest numbers, enabling us to give you the best service for fax broadcasting.

Give it a try today, and save yourself a lot of time, effort and money in one go.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Low budget, effective marketing for Small Business

I stickynote

Fax broadcasting can be an amazingly effective marketing tool, especially for small businesses on a low budget that need to make a big impact quickly.

While other businesses are concentrating their efforts on email marketing, you can also deliver a hardcopy right into the hands of your target customer.

Unlike email, someone is sure to look at it and not just instantly toss it away. By designing your fax broadcast effectively, you can easily expand your reach and grow your business.

Learn more about our excellent value fax broadcasting today!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Check us out on Facebook

Join us on facebook

Join on facebook today! just click the link here and click like to keep in touch. We shall be launching exclusive fax marketing offers for fans of our facebook page in the coming weeks! Stay tuned.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Top 7 Fax Broadcasting Tips

Very rarely does a fax broadcasting campaign not produce a return on your investment. If you follow these tips, your campaign will have even more impact and should produce a healthy profit.

1. Choose the correct targets

Whether you serve all businesses in an area or you serve a more specific market, a fax broadcasting campaign targets those consumers or businesses that are most likely to be interested in your product or service. In fact, up to 40% of fax broadcasting success relies on choosing the correct type of businesses. Delivering your fax marketing message to your target audience generates high quality leads and increases your success

2. Include a special offer and call to action

To elicit responses, your campaign has to generate excitement. One of the top ten direct marketing mistakes is burying or not including a call to action. Programs such as discounts, free consultations and buy-one-get-one-free offers, coupled with deadlines, give the prospect an incentive to respond to your campaign quickly.

3. Give multiple ways to respond

Some people prefer email communication, others prefer phone calls, some want to visit your website. Giving your customers multiple ways to contact you not only generates more responses, it also shows a concern for your clients and their preferred method of communication.

4. Test, test, test

The best way to increase response is by testing three elements of your fax campaign, one at a time. The elements are the headline, the offer and the pricing. By knowing and using what has already proven to be successful, future campaigns will be more efficient and will generate far higher responses.

5. Manage your expectations

It is important to be realistic when developing expectations for your fax marketing campaign's response rate. Fax marketing with our database usually reaches a 90-95% delivery success rate. The average response rate for direct mail prospecting campaigns is 0.5% - 1%. The disparity between delivery and response rate further illustrates the need to target prospects specifically. Fax broadcasting is a proven method of reaching them.

6. Call to follow-up

If using your own database, following up a fax campaign with a phone call makes the campaign more personal and reinforces your brand. Calling prospects or customers is a great way to quickly establish a relationship after your campaign has raised awareness of your brand.

7. Track results and calculate return on investment

Monitoring the number of people who respond to your mailing and what characteristics they have in common is critical. This will reduce workload and increase profits for future campaigns, as you will have defined targets and will know what resonates with those prospects.

If you follow these tips, the success of your fax broadcast marketing campaign will have endless potential.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Fax Broadcasting Gives you space to work with.

UK faxes are usually printed on A4 standard office paper which gives you a larger page real estate to work with than you get with email messages. A fax marketing page is roughly the size of a full-page magazine ad, but you can deliver it to a targeted audience for a fraction of the cost, and best of all, you get on the front page!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Consistency and reinforcement is Rewarded


Like any sales process, sometimes turning broadcast faxes into orders requires asking more than once. Your offer may be compelling, but your customer might not need it on the morning your broadcast faxes arrive.

They often do the second or third time you ask.

Marketing is the process of building a business relationship with potential customers. Have you ever established a lifelong friendship with someone you had contact with only once? Probably not.

Generally friendships (and all relationships for that matter) grow as a result of frequent contact over time. Even when the potential to form a great friendship is there at the first encounter, it is unlikely it will grow without nurturing.

Successful marketing is regular marketing. Credibility and familiarity comes with frequency. Consider repeating or reinforcing your fax advertising, weekly or monthly to encourage a higher response rate.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Our Fax Marketing Services Save You Time


Because fax marketing services have been around for almost 20 years now, we've had time to develop some pretty sophisticated capabilities which allow you to tailor and control you fax broadcasts with a multitude of options, without having to invest a lot of your own manpower.

Our fax broadcasting service can take care of managing your database for you, designing your faxes, and handling the details of the fax distribution. This saves you a ton of time because database management alone is extremely time intensive. New fax numbers have to be added constantly, obsolete numbers removed, and you have to be careful that lists are maintained of customers who have opted out and don’t want to receive your faxes.

Use of our extensive fax database is FREE when ordering a faxshot.

Our Fax broadcasting service is so sophisticated, they allow you to keep track of each faxshot so you can know which department or product line it related to, which part of your mailing list database it was sent to, and other parameters.

Tracking like this can be essential, especially if you’re a typical high-volume fax operation where it’s not unusual to send up to 100,000 faxes per day, each one going out to tens of thousands of prospective customers at a time.

Your fax broadcasting service can provide you with management information that you can relate to customer follow-up and sales. By doing this, you can get a pretty good handle on specific results of your fax broadcasting programs and where they are being most effective.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t waste another day trying to manage your own fax broadcasting system. Your productivity and profits will take off when you begin to leverage your fax broadcasting time and let us do the dirty work.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

High Impact Marketing at a Low Impact Cost


Commit to fax marketing. Marketing through fax broadcast is flexible, cost effective, and high impact. It allows you to easily drive traffic to your Web site, reach a broad geographic audience and stay in frequent contact with your customers and prospects. Fax marketing allows you to market your products and services at low cost and establish your expertise with your audience.

Use fax marketing for newsletters, new product announcements or to share your publicity success-the ideas are endless.

Remember, this is a marketing campaign. So be sure to think it through, develop an appropriate message, create a piece that reflects your brand, know your objectives, and make sure the information is valuable for your target market

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

You have 10 seconds to grab their attention!

Like any successful marketing literature, your fax marketing page needs a strong compelling headline to grab your customer’s attention quickly and inspire them to read the rest of your offer. If you don't, the fax will go in the waste paper!

Even on its way to the bin, faxes are still read. In fact this is when most marketing faxes ARE read.

The lesson is simple. Grab their attention, and grab it fast! If you have a page that is universally attractive to your targeted market your fax will generate enquiries and business almost instantly.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Target ALL of your prospective customers in one single go

If you are new to the internet or even the business world you will need to find affordable methods to generate you valuable business. Large volume fax number data is one of the most effective measures for ensuring the world knows about you and your products.

There are literally hundreds of different methods used to generate business for companies. But a lot of these can be on a hit and miss basis not only that a lot are very expensive. So imagine you try a television ad for instance: this seems to be a very good idea but after your advert has gone out you receive no business. This is where a business can either make or break.

Large volume fax number data is different, you are able to ensure that you target a set audience any where within the world and at an affordable rate you are able to send your message.

Large volume fax number data allows you to target all your prospective customers in one single go. Not only that with large volume fax number data you are almost ensured that at least one person within the company will read the fax.

Thats more than email can ever promise.

Include incentives in your fax broadcast

Include Incentives - Discount codes, coupons or other special "fax only" offers can make repeat customers more receptive to your broadcast fax marketing messages.

If, for example, your business serves a local market, inviting customers to redeem faxed coupons can bring in more business and help you measure the effectiveness of your latest fax campaign!

Currently playing in iTunes: Money In My Pocket by Dennis Brown :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Switch to Fax Marketing Today

Fax broadcasting can have amazing benefits to your business. With more and more emails being deleted before even being read, businesses are again using the fax to communicate their marketing message with great success.

Just some of the major advantages about fax broadcasting are –

Potentially Huge Savings for Your Business

Once a company out-sources fax distribution, it can save lot of revenue as now it doesn’t need to waste money in buying paper or stationary to print or envelopes to address, or boxes to carry to the post office (the bare minimum pre-requisites for traditional mails).

The business can also save on the labour traditionally needed for a mass direct mailing.

Businesses doesn’t need to invest huge sums in buying fax servers; instead they can pass on the work to fax broadcasting services who own such high value machines and the ability to send a high volume of faxes in a short amount of time.

With a severe competition amongst fax broadcasting companies, fax bureau such as can offer fax prices from as low as 1p per succesful UK fax!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Follow us on Twitter

You can now follow the best fax broadcasting company on twitter @fax_marketing to stay even more up to date on fax marketing tips special offers and best deals! on Twitter!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Optimising your fax broadcasting results!

Fax advertising is one of the favourite marketing tools for service businesses.

The trouble is that most people using other fax broadcasters NEVER get the results they should.


Several things spring to mind, but often the omission of this broadcast fax advertising 'secret' is one of the prime causes of failure.

Repeated tests have proven that your response will at least double (and hence your sales) just by including a fax back coupon. The really good news is that fax back coupons are very easy to create. Just follow my simple 6-step formula…

STEP 1 - Place your coupon on the bottom right hand corner of your broadcast fax

STEP 2 - Always put dashed lines around your coupon. This simple act alone increases response.

STEP 3 - Make sure you leave enough space so the reader can write their name, address, telephone number and any other information you require.

STEP 4 - Include your contact details on the coupon (company name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address - if you've got the space)

STEP 5 - Put a small box at the top of the coupon to allow your reader to tick it. Involvement in the sales process is an important part.

STEP 6 - Don't forget to track your broadcast fax advertising by putting a simple key code on the coupon. You must do this so you can keep records of which broadcast faxes are most profitable.

The easy way to do this is to use an abbreviation of the name of the broadcast fax and the date it is due to be sent out

For example, if you titled your fax 'Test 1' and it was to be sent on 5th November 2011, your code would be 'T1-5/11/11'

That's all there is to it!

Increase your sales with fax broadcasting!

The fax machine is still a very powerful marketing tool for most businesses. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can take advantage of faxing to help grow your business, without violating any laws!

The first rule, play smart. Even though you may already feel certain that a particular client does not mind an occasional fax marketing piece from you, always have a way for them to request that their name be removed from your list.

I like to place a line or two of text at the bottom of every fax page I send to let the recipient know just what to do to get themselves off my list if they so choose.

If you employ a fax broadcasting service, they can take care of this for you and also supply you with fresh leads based on whatever type of company you wish to send your advertising to.

This UK and European Fax Broadcasting company has some amazing rates and will ensure your fax broadcast is both targeted towards the right companies, and completely compliant with the marketing laws.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Tips for fax Broadcasting

  • Use large, clear fonts to ensure proper message delivery.

    Fax machines offer a convenient and relatively inexpensive medium through which business owners and marketers can deliver a plethora of marketing materials, promotional messages and sales advertisements. Though fax marketing has a number of benefits for users, a few tips---and some advice from federal regulators---can help ensure an effective marketing campaign.

Do Not Spam

  • Though the term "Spam" is commonly associated with email marketing, any type of unsolicited, unwanted marketing communication can now fall into the spam category. To ensure fax messages do not become spam and annoy recipients, be certain to understand and comply with all regulations regarding this type of marketing. The Federal Communication Commission emphasizes that fax marketers must obtain target fax numbers directly from the recipient for the purpose of marketing, and that marketers must take reasonable steps to ensure the recipient's consent to receiving marketing material via fax. In addition, the fax marketing page of the WS Promotions website notes that all marketing faxes must contain a way for recipients to opt out of receiving further messages.

Keep it Concise

  • Some fax marketers attempt to pack as much information as possible into a single page of marketing material. When recipients read the fax, though, they may quickly lose interest and discard the material without seeing the intended message. To help ensure recipients get the message, the fax marketing organization Fax Leads Today recommends using a large font and limited amounts of information that readers can see and absorb at a glance. To help drive home a sales pitch, include a website address or toll free number that the recipient can call or visit for additional information.

Make Ordering Easy

  • Just as fax marketing should direct recipients to a website or phone number with clear instructions, marketers designing faxes should make ordering information as visible, accessible and memorable as possible. An effective sales pitch can become useless if, for example, the material directs a recipient to call but does not include a telephone number. To maximize returns, according to Fax Leads Today, use larger or bold fonts to highlight contact information or ordering instructions. Fax Leads Today also advises some marketers to include a small order form, complete with return fax number or mailing address, on the marketing material itself.

Make it Readable

  • Modern word processing software can feature hundreds or even thousands of fonts, and type faces can range from clear and readable to nearly illegible. While scripted, handwriting or comical fonts can give marketing material a personalized look, some of these fonts do not copy or fax very well and may produce garbled output that recipients cannot read. To keep messages easily legible, according to Fax Leads Today, use a common typeface like Courier, Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma. Be sure to set font sizes to at least 12 points, too, as some fax machines can not properly reproduce smaller print.