Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Myth and the Truth about Fax Broadcasting - Revealed.


So you hate fax broadcasting. You can't stand getting unsolicited fax messages. It annoys you - especially that these fax broadcasting companies are using up your fax paper and ink!

I have to admit I'm similar to you. I often get extremely annoyed by other fax broadcasting companies, but only when I receive fax marketing that is NOT RELEVANT to me. That's the key. Faxing is just like direct mail only there is no envelope to open. It can be seen immediately.

Receiving untargeted unsolicited faxes can be frustrating, but when the company doing the fax broadcasting has done some 'homework' and made an offer that's relevant to me or my businesses, then the fax does get some attention. Sometimes I will respond. Sometimes I'll file it and call them 2 months down the line. And of course sometimes I will just bin it.

Not everyone is like me, but a lot of people are. There are those out there that hate fax marketing with a passion, so much they immediately rip the fax up and throw it in the bin. Some even reply with abuse.

The Truth is that whenever you do any type of advertising or promotion, you already know a large percentage of your audience isn't going to be interested.

So what can we learn from all of this?

Firstly, if Fax broadcasting is going to work for your business, you must use a quality fax list and target those people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Second, your fax offer and headline must catch the recipients attention so that they are compelled to read the rest of the fax broadcast.

Whatever your pre-conceptions, fax marketing can be extremely productive for your business, especially if you target it to the right people, and develop an offer they just cant refuse.

FaxBroadcasting.eu can help you with making Fax Broadcasting a success for your company.

Visit our fax broadcasting website today and find out how we can be of service

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