Thursday, 30 June 2011

Best Value Fax Broadcasting / Fax Marketing is the best value fax marketing to the UK! We have compared our prices with our main competitors and have come out on top every time.

Here's how we stack up against our major competitors. As you can see, is the best priced fax broadcaster for small to medium fax broadcasting campaigns! If you find cheaper fax elsewhere will will match the price and send a further 10% for you!

For 10,000 faxes

£155 + VAT

Central Messaging
£150 + VAT

Meridian Delta
£189 + VAT

Granada marketing
£250 + VAT

Prices all taken from company websites as of 30/6/2011
Best Value Fax Marketing

Just £130 + VAT for 10,000 faxes!

Value for money

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Fax Broadcast Headlines are all important

National newspapers montage

What do newspapers have in common with broadcast fax messages? Both rely on headlines to grab a reader’s interest and summarise the contents of the marketing letter or article so the reader knows what to expect.

For marketers, the headline highlights the offer and starts to build the customer’s interest. Get the headline right on your bulk fax broadcast, and you will easily generate new business from your fax marketing enquiries.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

The Myth and the Truth about Fax Broadcasting - Revealed.


So you hate fax broadcasting. You can't stand getting unsolicited fax messages. It annoys you - especially that these fax broadcasting companies are using up your fax paper and ink!

I have to admit I'm similar to you. I often get extremely annoyed by other fax broadcasting companies, but only when I receive fax marketing that is NOT RELEVANT to me. That's the key. Faxing is just like direct mail only there is no envelope to open. It can be seen immediately.

Receiving untargeted unsolicited faxes can be frustrating, but when the company doing the fax broadcasting has done some 'homework' and made an offer that's relevant to me or my businesses, then the fax does get some attention. Sometimes I will respond. Sometimes I'll file it and call them 2 months down the line. And of course sometimes I will just bin it.

Not everyone is like me, but a lot of people are. There are those out there that hate fax marketing with a passion, so much they immediately rip the fax up and throw it in the bin. Some even reply with abuse.

The Truth is that whenever you do any type of advertising or promotion, you already know a large percentage of your audience isn't going to be interested.

So what can we learn from all of this?

Firstly, if Fax broadcasting is going to work for your business, you must use a quality fax list and target those people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Second, your fax offer and headline must catch the recipients attention so that they are compelled to read the rest of the fax broadcast.

Whatever your pre-conceptions, fax marketing can be extremely productive for your business, especially if you target it to the right people, and develop an offer they just cant refuse. can help you with making Fax Broadcasting a success for your company.

Visit our fax broadcasting website today and find out how we can be of service

Friday, 10 June 2011

Immediate enquiries and sales with Fax Broadcasting

The fax machine is a very powerful marketing tool for businesses. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can take advantage of faxing to help grow your business, without violating any laws!

The first rule, play smart. Even though you may already feel certain that a particular client does not mind an occasional fax marketing piece from you, always have a way for them to request that their name be removed from your list.

I like to place a line or two of text at the bottom of every fax page I send to let the recipient know just what to do to get themselves off my list if they so choose.

If you employ a fax broadcasting service, they can take care of this for you and also supply you with fresh leads based on whatever type of company you wish to send your advertising to.

This UK and European Fax Broadcasting company has some amazing rates and will ensure your fax broadcast is both targeted towards the right companies, and completely compliant with the marketing laws.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Reach without Frequency = Wasted Money

Frequency 610x250

Marketing and especially fax marketing is the process of building a business relationship with potential customers. Have you ever established a lifelong friendship with someone you had contact with only once? Probably not. Generally friendships (and all relationships for that matter) grow as a result of frequent contact over time. Even when the potential to form a great friendship is there at the first encounter, it is unlikely it will grow without nurturing.

We can uses an analogy of seeds and water to demonstrate the importance of assuring adequate frequency in your promotional fax broadcasting campaigns. If you were given 100 seeds with enough water to water each seed once would you plant all 100 seeds and water each one once or would you be more successful if you planted 25 seeds and used all of the water on those 25 seeds?

While intuitively and even conceptually we understand the high importance of frequency to successful promotional and sales campaigns, somehow when it comes to actually implementing the campaign, we opt to sacrifice frequency for reach. And then we complain about the ineffectiveness of our promotional efforts. Undoubtedly one of the biggest wastes of marketing dollars is promotional activities that are implemented without adequate frequency.

When faced with the decision of mailing one fax broadcast to 10,000 people or mailing to 2,500 people four times think about the fate of those 100 seeds you can water only once. Unless you have water rights and can obtain additional water, opt for less reach and more frequency.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Test your Fax Broadcast Page

Before sending your fax broadcast out to thousands of people, why not get the opinions of a few people who aren't completely familiar with your business.

The goal isn't to find out if they like your faxed promotional flyer, but to test whether or not it delivers the intended message.

Make a list of 3-5 very specific questions to ask your test audience, for example,

"What exactly does this company do?"

"What problem does this product or service solve?"

"What action will I take after reading this offer?"

Continue testing until you get the desired results and you'll improve the chances that your target customers will react positively.

If the response to your message is, "What is this thing?" or "I don't get it" something is seriously wrong with your fax marketing copy.

Your potential clients need to know exactly what it is you can offer them and how it will benefit them in just a few seconds. Get this right and the enquiries will pour in.