Saturday, 30 April 2011

Optimising your fax broadcasting results!

Fax advertising is one of the favourite marketing tools for service businesses.

The trouble is that most people using other fax broadcasters NEVER get the results they should.


Several things spring to mind, but often the omission of this broadcast fax advertising 'secret' is one of the prime causes of failure.

Repeated tests have proven that your response will at least double (and hence your sales) just by including a fax back coupon. The really good news is that fax back coupons are very easy to create. Just follow my simple 6-step formula…

STEP 1 - Place your coupon on the bottom right hand corner of your broadcast fax

STEP 2 - Always put dashed lines around your coupon. This simple act alone increases response.

STEP 3 - Make sure you leave enough space so the reader can write their name, address, telephone number and any other information you require.

STEP 4 - Include your contact details on the coupon (company name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address - if you've got the space)

STEP 5 - Put a small box at the top of the coupon to allow your reader to tick it. Involvement in the sales process is an important part.

STEP 6 - Don't forget to track your broadcast fax advertising by putting a simple key code on the coupon. You must do this so you can keep records of which broadcast faxes are most profitable.

The easy way to do this is to use an abbreviation of the name of the broadcast fax and the date it is due to be sent out

For example, if you titled your fax 'Test 1' and it was to be sent on 5th November 2011, your code would be 'T1-5/11/11'

That's all there is to it!

Increase your sales with fax broadcasting!

The fax machine is still a very powerful marketing tool for most businesses. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can take advantage of faxing to help grow your business, without violating any laws!

The first rule, play smart. Even though you may already feel certain that a particular client does not mind an occasional fax marketing piece from you, always have a way for them to request that their name be removed from your list.

I like to place a line or two of text at the bottom of every fax page I send to let the recipient know just what to do to get themselves off my list if they so choose.

If you employ a fax broadcasting service, they can take care of this for you and also supply you with fresh leads based on whatever type of company you wish to send your advertising to.

This UK and European Fax Broadcasting company has some amazing rates and will ensure your fax broadcast is both targeted towards the right companies, and completely compliant with the marketing laws.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Tips for fax Broadcasting

  • Use large, clear fonts to ensure proper message delivery.

    Fax machines offer a convenient and relatively inexpensive medium through which business owners and marketers can deliver a plethora of marketing materials, promotional messages and sales advertisements. Though fax marketing has a number of benefits for users, a few tips---and some advice from federal regulators---can help ensure an effective marketing campaign.

Do Not Spam

  • Though the term "Spam" is commonly associated with email marketing, any type of unsolicited, unwanted marketing communication can now fall into the spam category. To ensure fax messages do not become spam and annoy recipients, be certain to understand and comply with all regulations regarding this type of marketing. The Federal Communication Commission emphasizes that fax marketers must obtain target fax numbers directly from the recipient for the purpose of marketing, and that marketers must take reasonable steps to ensure the recipient's consent to receiving marketing material via fax. In addition, the fax marketing page of the WS Promotions website notes that all marketing faxes must contain a way for recipients to opt out of receiving further messages.

Keep it Concise

  • Some fax marketers attempt to pack as much information as possible into a single page of marketing material. When recipients read the fax, though, they may quickly lose interest and discard the material without seeing the intended message. To help ensure recipients get the message, the fax marketing organization Fax Leads Today recommends using a large font and limited amounts of information that readers can see and absorb at a glance. To help drive home a sales pitch, include a website address or toll free number that the recipient can call or visit for additional information.

Make Ordering Easy

  • Just as fax marketing should direct recipients to a website or phone number with clear instructions, marketers designing faxes should make ordering information as visible, accessible and memorable as possible. An effective sales pitch can become useless if, for example, the material directs a recipient to call but does not include a telephone number. To maximize returns, according to Fax Leads Today, use larger or bold fonts to highlight contact information or ordering instructions. Fax Leads Today also advises some marketers to include a small order form, complete with return fax number or mailing address, on the marketing material itself.

Make it Readable

  • Modern word processing software can feature hundreds or even thousands of fonts, and type faces can range from clear and readable to nearly illegible. While scripted, handwriting or comical fonts can give marketing material a personalized look, some of these fonts do not copy or fax very well and may produce garbled output that recipients cannot read. To keep messages easily legible, according to Fax Leads Today, use a common typeface like Courier, Arial, Times New Roman or Tahoma. Be sure to set font sizes to at least 12 points, too, as some fax machines can not properly reproduce smaller print.